This is a typed draft of my autoethnography. If I were a student, I would be "Ahead of Pace" according to this chart:
Ahead of the Pace
On Pace
Behind the Pace
Complete draft of Autoethnography typed on Google Drive & shared with Staysniak.
In the process of typing a draft on Google Drive.
Haven’t started typing. Still working on a handwritten draft of one page or on completing the outline.
Where are you on this chart? Read the chart and use this link to respond to the survey projected on the board.
Below are the steps to follow for completing your Autoethnography - what do you need to do today?
-Complete a written outline & handwritten draft. (GET FEEDBACK FROM STAYSNIAK)
-Type & revise your draft. (CONDUCT A PEER CONFERENCE)
-Make necessary changes & revisions. (SELF-ASSESS USING EDIT CHECKLIST & RUBRIC)
-Print your work & submit a hard-copy to Staysniak with your Self-Assessment attached.