Saturday, September 20, 2014

Friday Seminar Share - Let there be peace

On Friday, all B-Day sections of English I at Metro engaged in readings and discussion centered around the idea of peace. Our discussions ranged from the from the role of police in society, to the  "fake friends and false enemies" that may emerge as a result of one's success.

Thank you to everyone for a productive second Friday Seminar Share.

Here are links to the readings for the day:
New Haven Independent Article (full article)
Poem - "Anyway"

Monday, September 15, 2014

Micro-Memoir #2

After reading chapter 19 from Maya Angelou's memoir I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings in which she uses many literary devices of comparison, write your own micro-memoir that utilizes simile, metaphor, and allegory.

In this link to the handout from class, you will also find my second Micro Memoir. Use it as a model if you are having trouble getting started on your own.
Micro-Memoir #2 Assignment


Did you read over the summer? If so, enter two of your books here using the Read 2 Do 2 form on the Metro Library site. 

If you read more than two books over the summer and would like credit for them, please email me at

Monday, September 8, 2014


A-Day micro memoirs will be collected on Wednesday. B-Day micro memoirs are due tomorrow, Tuesday.

Micro-memoir assignment sheet.